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PROJECTRONIC Developments Ltd
Sub-Contract Manufacturing...

 Pressed Components

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Pressed Components
Special Pressings
Secondary Operations
Healthcare Packaging
Tooling & Technical
Additional Information

Projectronic Manufacture Pressed Components...

Projectronic Developments are established as a capable and reliable source for the manufacture of Pressings and Pressed Components.

To achieve this Projectronic provide,

  1. A variety of Press Formats to suit a range of applications
  2. Press Capacities up to 50 Tonnes.
  3. In-house Tool Design, Toolmaking & Tooling Maintenance.
  4. Facilities to process most materials in either Cut Strip or Coil Form.

Projectronic manufacture for a range of customers with our products being used in a wide variety of applications.

Electrical / Electronic Components.

Lighting Terminals & Fittings.

Healthcare & Toiletries Packaging Decoration.

Commercial Furniture Components & Fittings

Medical & Navigational Instrument Components

General Hardware Components.

(Examples of some of the components we have produced)

For Further Information Please Contact - sales@projectronic.co.uk

PROJECTRONIC Developments Ltd - Pressed Components, Pressings, Assemblies, Secondary Operations, Manufacturing.
Send mail to web@projectronic.co.uk with questions or comments about this web site.